Untitled Bibliography
Take Bibcitation to-go with our new website integration

Cite sources on your website

Add Bibcitation to your organization website and take advantage of our stunning interface and latest reference software. For free.

Our integration lets your users create citations in one click — with a bite-sized button that will seamlessly fit into your website page.

Cite sources on your website
Trusted by top universities
University of British Columbia logoUniversity of Bradford logoDuke University logoUniversity of West Florida logoMichigan State University logo
Book a free demo session

Schedule a Bibcitation demo to see why thousands of university students are already creating references with us. We can't wait to show you around!

Cite sources on your website
Pick a source you want to cite on your website
Cite sources on your website

There are 130 million books in the world. And yes, Bibcitation can cite all of them, in over 9 thousand formats! Choose your book and set up the integration to create your citation.

Add our magical citation button to your site code

We know you've spent thousands of dollars on branding, so our citation feature will seamlessly integrate into your user interface. Use custom code to <style> your citation button — no questions asked.

Cite sources on your website
Cite sources on your website
Sit back, relax and let our citation tool do the work

With one click of a button, users can now create citations for your sources, add references to their project or bibliography, and export sources as a part of their citation list.

Oh, and did we mention that it's free?

Add the button to your page
Cite sources on your website

Fetch ISBN codes for all the sources you want to cite. We decided to use Capital by Thomas Piketty with the following ISBN number:

﹡ ISBN: 978067497985

Copy the link below and replace "xxxxxx" with your custom ISBN:


Now code your citation button. Below we used the <button> tag, but you are free to choose any programming language you see fit.

<button onclick="window.location.href='link';"> text </button>

All done. Time to add your link to the button code on your website!

﹡ href=''
First, choose a book you want to cite on your page

Cite sources on your website

There are 130 million books in the world. And yes, Bibcitation can cite all of them, in over 9 thousand formats! Choose your book and set up the integration to create your citation.

Add our magical citation button to your site code

Cite sources on your website

We know you've spent thousands of dollars on branding, so our feature will seamlessly integrate into your user interface. Use custom code to <style> your citation button — no questions asked.

Sit back, relax and let our citation tool do the work

Cite sources on your website

With one click of a button, users can now create citations for your sources, add references to their project or bibliography, and export sources as a part of their citation list.

Oh, and did we mention that it's free?

Add the button to your web page

Cite sources on your website

Fetch ISBN codes for all the sources you want to cite. We decided to use Capital by Thomas Piketty with the following ISBN number:

ISBN: 978067497985

Copy the link below and replace "xxxxxx" with your custom ISBN:

Now code your citation button. Below we used the <button> tag, but you are free to choose any programming language you see fit.

<button onclick="window.location.href='link';">

All done. Time to add your link to the button code on your website!


Frequently Asked Questions